so much going on in my world that its hard to journal. i'll give brief updates.
work. i am the physical activities instructor now. the clients change classes and seem to really like the new schedule. if i could only get more sleep at night my job would be all good. i struggle at work when i'm tired. will try to do better at getting sleep.
brother. brian comes into town on tuesday. i'm so excited about getting to see him. he will have his car here and will be visiting his college on his own. he moves in with me in about a month. i can't wait.
katelen. now the girlfriend. we decided that it was pointless to not be together. the relationship seems to have gone from point A to point B to point C with very few speedbumps. it just happened to me. isn't that the way its supposed to be?
finances. they are stressing me out. i've done a budget and plan on getting better at that too.
election. soon. go vote!!! (especially if you support kerry).
friends. still missing ethan, chris, ros, and all the others. i can't deal with being so far away from ros especially. i need to see her.
that's all for now....