Saturday, July 5

so much going on these days.

i got home from work on monday to find a crush bottle filled with flowers and a card....from linda. i met up w/her that night b/c she had something she wanted to tell me....

she and jess are no longer exclusive.

linda and i went out on a date wednesday night. it was nice. so nice that the following statements came out of my mouth:

"it feels like the center of all energy is right here (pointed to center of our intertwined hands). it just feels like everything is centered around this (pointed again). [pause] i feel like if i were to wave our hands around, the entire world would spin."

yes, there is a taste of stacey's sense of humor. i actually waved our hands around in a circle :) the night ended by making plans on taking a nap together when she gets back from vermont.

thursday night was manray. ryan and nick met me and ethan at our place and bobby and gaelle met us at the club. we had a blast. ethan and i saw a guy from connections. we talked to him for a while about tennessee. he goes to vanderbilt and is from tuscaloosa, al. (45 min from my hometown). he will be a senior next year. ethan is psyched about this guy...maybe they will get together. :)

yesterday, ethan and i went out to a park before heading out to a party and after getting rid of our hangovers. the party was a blast. the only person, other than ethan, that i knew was gaelle. ethan's lesbian boss was there with her wife. it was awesome talking to them about being gay. anyways...the night was great. i got tonya's (boss' wife) and gaelle's numbers as we have plans to go to hollywood tonight.

i woke up with an extremely sore throat. so bad that i thought about not going into work tonight, but it has gone away some. i think some new strand of pollen is in the air...:) i'm off to get ready for work.

(oh and why isn't anyone leaving me comments? have i gotten boring or something?)


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