Monday, March 10

thursday night's "talk back" session about "the laramie project" went well. four of us led the discussion and hit upon issues of fear on campus, religion and homosexuality, and the need for a gay community. we were having such a good discussion that they kicked us out of the theatre. so. we went to the pub and continued discussion. more discussion to follow i'm sure...

i spent the weekend in atlanta with ethan and chris. we went to this horrid club on saturday night. drugs and twinks were everywhere. there was one other lesbian in the place. a few more straight girls that were also on drugs. we are still trying to figure out why we stayed until 4 am.

linda called me friday night completely wasted. we had a very odd conversation about whether or not she was a bad person. she doesn't really remember it all that well, so we've decided to have it again soon.

on the way back from atlanta, we stopped at the park in chattanooga. we kicked the soccer ball around with some little kids. i tried to teach them the essentials...they got pretty good by the end of it. there were a few lesbians within kicking distance from us. the ball escaped and when i ran to get it, i kicked it back to the guys and stayed to talk with them. they were really cool, and cute. i want so badly to have some lesbian friends that i can go to the park with. its hard to find a scene that caters to the likings of gay males and lesbians for they are complete opposites. lesbians like bars and billiards while gays like clubs and malls; gay dislike bars and billiards while lesbians dislike clubs and malls. there isn't much of an overlap....


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