Thursday, June 27

all apologies for not writing yesterday...but there is a reason (as there often are). yesterday was a day from hell. my excuse--work was chaotic, only to be followed with three more draining hours with my student, and my attempt to raise spirits (nap) was continually interrupted by phone calls.

today, however, was the complete opposite. i went into work 30 mins early at the request of my student's parents. they didn't end up showing till the normal time, but it was nice because i got to hang out/get to know the other teachers at school. when she arrived, we went right downstairs and began 1:1, which went well--so well that we went outside for the last 5 minutes of our hour-long 1:1 session. a consultant came in to watch 'areas' today and was very pleased with my prompting methods. she didn't really have any tips for me, which i take as a compliment.

after work, i stopped by my apartment for a little while thinking i would take a nap. i realized i was not tired, so i jumped back in my car and headed to the mall. i nearly bought old navy's entire line. i absolutely love old navy....its cheap, stylish, and FITS ME!! i got this cute pair of shorts, some crop pj pants, crop khaki pants, a beach mat, a tank top, and a baby 't.' i then headed over to some shoe store where i bought this kick ass pair of sketchers, which i shall now try to describe. they are retro looking--tan with two curvy lines and laces in a lighter tan. the soles are a kind of clearish tan (like the new adidas samba soles if you are familiar with indoor soccer). haha. not a good description i know. but they are me...:)

i decided that i was going to buy a i set out for barnes and noble. after looking in EVERY section of the store, i found the read i was craving. a couple years ago i read anita shreve's "the pilot's wife." i would like to take this time to praise this book. i am not an avid reader, but i picked up this book and read around 300 pages in two days. the book is fabulous. so i found the 'anita shreve section' and began eagerly reading the summary of each of her works. i walked out of the store with her "the weight of water," on which i will be sure to keep you informed.

currently, i'm listening to counting crows "recovering the satellites." a good cd...but nothing like their "august and everything after" album. i seem to like every artist/band's earliest work the best. is this a sign of getting old? gosh i hope not....

i'm off to put a little curve in the cover of this book before i head to bed. :)


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